Saturday, May 24, 2008

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Today Kevin came home from over a year in Okinawa. He flew into Vegas on Monday and spent a couple of days with Meghan in Cedar City and I picked him up today. Though I did see him in February when he came to Florida to visit his Granny before she passed away I didn't really have much time with him. It is so good to have him home. He has grown a lot since he joined the Marines two years ago. The old Kevin is still there but better and more refined. He really looks good and I had an enjoyable drive home with him. We stopped off at Patrick's and spent about a hour and he was really enjoying rough housing with Payten and a little with Lilly. Payten just laughed and laughed the whole time with Kevin. Now the only one not close is Laura, Jeremy, Parker and Landon. They are not to far but far enough to be truely missed by me. I am so blessed, lucky and fulfilled with the love and care of such great children.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Never Easy

Decisions we make in life are rearly easy and they more often than not affect us for many years to come. Whatever pocesses us to make some of the choices we make are mind boogling and we would like to kick ourselves later for being so dumb. What really defines us is how we react to the choices that we make or the trials that are put upon us...good or bad. When we fall we must pick ourselves up and push forward. That doesn't mean that you cannot have a few bad days where you are down and sad and frustrated. In the end we must smile and be happy and move forward. Life is happy, sad, good times and bad times, love but lets hope never....hate.

I cannot help but think of the wonderful example I had growing up. My mother was fantastic. She had a difficult life, especially in her twenties. The one thing that all of my children remember about her is her smile. Even in the end she did her best to smile. She loves me, her grandchildren and her great-grandchildren. Now she is totally happy now that she is being re-united with her husband (high school sweet heart), her sons, her parents and so on. She continues to learn and grow in this new deminsion of life she envelopes her now. I hope that my children will have positive things to remember me by and be happy.